Here is a link to the kmz file that I had to locate. It is on the locations of polar bears, that can be tracked and seen through google earth.
There are many ways that this can be used in teaching, but I particularly want to use this kmz file in helping me to create my google earth tour for next week's class. I plan on having the tour be for kindergartners, where they can observe and compare the different locations of a type of animal (bears) around the world. In this way I can still meet the core standards for Kindergartners, and find ways to implement google earth within the classroom.
This week I also learned a great deal about google earth. I've never used it before, so everything is new to me!!! I learned how to "fly to" any location, and even tried going to my home in Washington state. I leaned how to navigate around google earth, and to use different labels and tools to enhance the experience, like having photos, links, national geographic articles and pictures, and even making the buildings 3-D. It was so awesome!!!I love it!
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