Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mathematics First Grade Lesson

For this lesson we took our content from Standard 2 in the Utah First Grade Mathematics Core Curriculum, Objective 1, with Indicators A and B. This deals with teaching children about patterns and how to classify objects in different ways. We then looked to the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, which can be found at this website: From this we chose a color pattern game where the children get to see a pattern displayed and then try to finish repeating the pattern, as seen below:
From here, we would just have the children work on these and pattern to see how they can use patterns in different ways. After this, we can show them how there are patterns within numbers as well.

Language Arts First Grade Lesson

We found this lesson through combining content, technology, and pedagogy for a first grade classroom. We took the content from the Utah First Grade Language Arts Core Curriculum, Standard 3, Objective 3, Indicator B, which deals with children learning onset and rime. Then we used Starfall as the technology resource. We found a teaching tool that used the rime "an" where they are asked to combine different onsets with that rime to create different words. There is a picture of this below to view. For teaching within the classroom, I would probably use this as a lesson for practice in using onsets and rimes. I would first demonstrate it in front of the class, and then have them practice on the class computers in groups during centers.
The link to Starfall is below: Another really great resource in teaching the language arts within the classroom using technology is found on this webstire resource:

Digital Images...

There are so many ways to use and store digital images both in the computer and on the web. I discovered that pictures can be either lossy or lossless, which deals with how much informtaion is kept on the specific image. Also, PNG, JPEG, ans GIF are the formats most often used on the web, due to their size and clarity. We also got to use Picasa in order to remove red eyes from a cat. It was so interesting to see how we can use this program in our everyday classrooms.

Next, we spent time understanding how to use this new website, Kerpoof, where we can make a picture, draw, and make movies. It was incredible! I want to use this in my classroom, and I can't wait to show my students!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Digital Camera Assignment

We created this digital camera assignment in order to meet the TPACK standards where we used technology pedagogy and content knowledge within the classroom. We connected this activity to the Utah Kindergarten Core Content standards, using standard 2, which says that students will develop a sense of self in relation to themselves and their community; objective 1 which states that students should describe things that influence relationships with family and frineds; and indicator a, whcih says that students should identify ways that students are alike and different. So we thought that students could go around and take pictures of people who are alike and different in many ways. We took pictures of students who were different in hair color. You could also differentiate using length of hair, eye color, height, shoe or hand size, etc. In this way, we can see that we are all different and that it is okay to be different, and we are using technology and effective pedagogy and content in order to teach this important concept.

Digital Cameras and Fun Activities!

There is an endless possibility of uses for digital cameras within a classroom. You could send the students around in groups on a scavenger hunt to take pictures of emergency and health items around the school, like the different exits around the building, the fire extinguisher, the nurse's office, and other places. You could also do some sequencing as far as explaining how to do things. You could send students around the building or the room to take pictures of different words or letters, like things that start with "A" or letters from their names. You could also show the weather throughout the seasons by taking pictures over time. You could also put them into groups and have them take pictures of different shapes, with one group taking pictures of circles, one of squares, one of rectangles, etc.

One Laptop per Child XO

I was amazed at this new source of technology within the classroom!!! I was even more amazed at the fact that a small child was able to learn this in a half hour or so, and then HE was the one that had to instruct us adults on how to use it! It was incredible! I also really love the idea that these are used to help kids in poor countries all over the world. With these, kids can get them wet, in the dirt, outside in the sun, and still connect to the internet, chat with one another, play a large variety of games, learn to use technology in order to make music, math, video, audio, pictures, writing, and much more! I want to use these in my classroom sooo much!

Reflection on Technology Resources within an Early Childhood Classroom...

It is easy to see that there are many ways within an early childhood classroom in which technology can be used and implemented. Some of these things we have already done in this class. Some of these things include making and displaying a graph based on information collected by the students. This can be a great help in their learning and in assisting them to cognitively move from concrete to abstract understanding with two-dimensional graphs. Having the students explore with digital tools is also another way to improve their learning. This really helps children with hands-on learning and manipulating the world around them. They truly get to explore the world around them through technology. Telling a story in pictures and words using technology is something that we already learned how to do within this class. This would be great in order to teach students, the only worry I have is in not having the materials within the classroom to present it, like a computer projector. There are other ways, though, to still implement this type of technology use within the classroom. You can also write, record and revisit on things such as a field trip. This can connect something fun and interesting to the students to actual content and subjects within the class. The last idea was to share and document learning. This can be used everyday within lessons, activities, and even as a teacher, to create a blog or wiki for the class as a whole. These younger children do not have long attention spans, and technology is a great way for them to explore and navigate in which their attention is kept, their curiosity is explored, and their learning is enhanced.