Thursday, November 13, 2008

Digital Camera Assignment

We created this digital camera assignment in order to meet the TPACK standards where we used technology pedagogy and content knowledge within the classroom. We connected this activity to the Utah Kindergarten Core Content standards, using standard 2, which says that students will develop a sense of self in relation to themselves and their community; objective 1 which states that students should describe things that influence relationships with family and frineds; and indicator a, whcih says that students should identify ways that students are alike and different. So we thought that students could go around and take pictures of people who are alike and different in many ways. We took pictures of students who were different in hair color. You could also differentiate using length of hair, eye color, height, shoe or hand size, etc. In this way, we can see that we are all different and that it is okay to be different, and we are using technology and effective pedagogy and content in order to teach this important concept.

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